Overclockers UK



EPIC36 Nintendo Switch Sports

Switch Sports Logo

Come along and join us in same stretching, thwacking, rolling and grunting - we're getting into the season with some Nintendo Switch Sports, seeing if all those days shut inside have provided you with the opportunity to increase your sports skills.  Prove you're every bit as good as one of those REAL sports people!

Admins: Gunmens, Beank

Logitech G logoLogitech G are sponsoring the Nintendo Switch Sports tournament, with a fantastic ProX headset as a prize.

Signups Close: 12midday on Friday
Gathering: 12:45 Friday, in the Gallery
Qualifying: 13:00 Friday in Gallery or Portland
Finals: 18:00 Friday in Gallery

Please note that if you are participating in an esports tournament you cannot take part in a fun tournament. If you have been eliminated, you may be able to join in - please check with reech or a member of the esports admin team before you sign up!