There are 13 teams signed up for this tournament, 8 teams have confirmed places, 4 teams are on the waiting list for tournament places.
Name | Tag | Players |
BiO Ballz | BIO | 2 |
Chumbawamba | BiO3 | 2 |
CroTeam | Cro | 2 |
Errnerrzywerzys | Hahahah | 2 |
Flipping | FLIPPING | 2 |
Jimmy Rolls Kegs | JRK | 2 |
KCC Casuals | KCCC | 2 |
men with ven | ven | 2 |
No Beer Here | NBH | 1 |
Serious Sausages | SeSa | 2 |
The Filthy Casuals | BiO2 | 2 |
The Highland Fatties | THF | 2 |
Titanic | Titanic | 2 |