Overclockers UK




28 years old
English English

Game GUIDs

Steam ID
Steam/RL Name
Riot ID

Active Tournaments

Tournament Team Name Role
There are no active tournaments for this user

Completed Tournaments

Tournament Team Name Role
epic29 Counter-Strike:Global Offensive United Kingdom The Thanki Man Can Player
epic29 CS:GO Inters United Kingdom The Thanki Man Can Player
Intel epic32 VALORANT United Kingdom Verne Troyer's Dark Destroyers Leader
epic 32 VALORANT Inters United Kingdom Verne Troyer's Dark Destroyers Leader
EPIC37 VALORANT (BEACON CIRCUIT EVENT) United Kingdom Sheeeesh Kebab Leader
EPIC37 VALORANT INTERS United Kingdom Sheeeesh Kebab Leader
EPIC38 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Powered by Intel United Kingdom Retirement Home Leader
EPIC38 CS:GO Inters United Kingdom Retirement Home Leader
EPIC41 Counter-Strike 2 Sponsored by Tradeit United Kingdom Cache Money Leader
EPIC41 CS2 Inters United Kingdom Cache Money Player
EPIC42 Counter-Strike 2 United Kingdom Nordic Spirit Leader
EPIC42 CS2 Inters United Kingdom Nordic Spirit Player
EPIC43 CS2 Sponsored by WD United Kingdom moo deng enjoyers Leader
EPIC43 Pub Quiz United Kingdom Pub Quiz Aficionados Player
EPIC43 CS Inters United Kingdom moo deng enjoyers Player
EPIC44 VALORANT SPONSORED BY ASUS ROG European Union Haggis x Moodeng Player
Epic44 Valorant Inters European Union Haggis x Moodeng Player