Overclockers UK





Game GUIDs

Steam ID
Riot ID
RoryDelap5 #Zoo

Active Tournaments

Tournament Team Name Role
There are no active tournaments for this user

Completed Tournaments

Tournament Team Name Role
epic29 Counter-Strike:Global Offensive Palestine, State of We had 5 but 1's in prison Leader
epic29 CS:GO Inters Palestine, State of We had 5 but 1's in prison Leader
EPIC34 Valorant Egypt meow 4 the mandem Player
EPIC40 VALORANT United Kingdom Streets Never Forget Leader
EPIC43 VALORANT Mozambique Eh-hoes! Player
EPIC43 VALORANT Inters United Kingdom eh-hoes Player
EPIC44 VALORANT SPONSORED BY ASUS ROG United Kingdom Olly Ringshalls BMX Club Player
Epic44 Valorant Inters Zimbabwe Rhodesian Warriors Leader